Monday, December 12, 2011


A few weeks ago while my family was in NY we, inevitably, went to Starbucks. When asked what her name was by the barista, soft-spoken Molly whispered, "Molly". 

The barista heard "Pautie".

Herein lives Pautie:

the 2nd coolest thing about this story? i posted the photo to the tumblr - "starbucks spelling" :: A collection of misspelled names from the inventors of the "Frappuccino."

see the website here :

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

laundry service

i came to a realization this past sunday as i was doing my laundry. and yes, i was actually doing it. i didn't drop it off to be washed, dried, and folded into oh-so-perfect little squares this time. i actually did it myself! and i couldn't remember the last time i actually did my laundry. 

my whole first year in nyc i did my own laundry. mainly because it was located on the 4th floor of my building, but now, with it being one whole block away (heavens! how dare i brave the elements!), i have resorted to having someone else wash and fold my dirty laundry. 

but not last sunday. i did my laundry. and boy do i miss it. i know there will come a day when i won't miss it and will be begging for someone else to do it. but last sunday, i missed it. i missed it because i realized i was missing out on something else. missing out on the in-between-cycle time (28 min for wash, 45 for dry). and it's what you choose to do with that time that can be adventurous or productive. time and opportunity are on your side. its amazing what can be accomplished and the moments you can capture...

Sunday, November 27, 2011


this thanksgiving holiday i have so many blessings to thank God for - my health, my family, friends, austin and all of his family, my job, apostles church and my church family as well as my nyc family. i guess "family" has lots of definitions for me!

am so very thankful for my family's trip to nyc! they had safe and smooth travel - and we had one trip that will not soon be forgotten! a few highlights (in order): spotted Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield at Peels restaurant, Macy's balloon inflation on Wednesday night, Macy's parade on Thursday, stuffed our faces at Heath and Jen Terry's thanksgiving feast, went ice skating in Central Park, did a (small) amount of black friday shopping, ate a delicious steak dinner at Peter Lugers, visited the 9/11 memorial, watched Bama win the Iron Bowl at the Ainsworth bar and saw the Broadway Musical "On a Clear Day".  

all activities are highly recommended...except the musical. it was awful, and i'll leave it at that.

a few pictures below!
Macy's balloon inflation


dinner at Peter Luger's Steakhouse

mom and dad at dinner!

all of us at the Ainsworth - roll tide!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Friday, November 18, 2011

fresh direct

fresh direct is genius. although i spent approximately 1 1/2 hours ordering, (had to be sure i was getting it exactly right) i was able to choose, purchase and schedule the delivery of my groceries (Sat, btwn 10-12pm). and without so much as lifting a finger, the trek from soho to east village with 4-6 heavy bags was eliminated. that right there is enough for me.

you see.. the fam (less colt, ash, parker and beckett... we'll miss them!!!) is coming to nyc for Thanksgiving and i just have to have everything ready for them! food, snacks, clean apartment, clean sheets and towels - i don't have time to go to the store!

in anticipation of their arrival, Austin and I are spending the weekend prepping food and accommodations so that we can all just enjoy each other in the bustling, blistering nyc.

love you mom, dad and molly - we can't wait for you to get here!
colt, ash, p and b - we will be giving thanks for you and wishing you were with us.

picture from mom and dad's visit in sept 2010

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

how has it been...

two months since my last blog? suffice to say i need to catch up! but instead of catching up just yet - i wanted to post a hot commodity! a pic from the Bon Appétit Client Grilling Party we hosted tonight on a NYC rooftop. the rain came down for about 10 minutes- but nothing could hold us back from throwing a great party...

ps: for those that may not know, i was promoted a few weeks ago to Associate Manager, Special Events and Projects (fancy schmancy).

view from rooftop!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

hodges - doughton wedding

a few weekends ago austin and i traveled to charlotte, nc for my good friend, elizabeth doughton (now hodges) wedding. we were phi mu's together at ua and i lived with her for a year in nyc. her and her husband, charles, live in the west village and are always a good time. charles did an internship with conan a few summers back and now works for an ad agency and writes some hilarious sportscenter commercials - here is an old one - brett farve. he'll be something one day...

it was a great weekend - with beautiful sunshine (nevermind the thunderstorm during the ceremony). we arrived thursday night and met the wedding party and close friends at a local bar. friday we had the bridesmaid luncheon and rehearsal dinner. saturday, of course, the wedding. we flew home early sunday so we could catch up on rest - i took a two hour nap and slept through church!

here are few pics...

bridget (nyc roommate), me, maren and molly - all phi mus

love this candid - it was a huge wedding party! 13 bridesmaids and groomsmen... 

betsy, maren, christina and me

me and the bride!

love it

bama bridesmaids! 

our phi mu "doorsong" as elizabeth was walking down the hallway

new fav pic :)

Thursday, April 14, 2011

quarter life crisis

yesterday was my 25th birthday - i could not have felt more loved. thank you to everyone for their sweet notes, texts, calls, messages, cards...etc. my day started off great - some girls at work at ordered bagels and put a happy bday sign in my cube. around 1pm i received a call from our security desk telling me i had a delivery and when i went to the lobby - there was austin! standing there with gorgeous calla lilies! we had a quick lunch. after work austin and i went to dinner at Frankies in the lower east side - perfect meal!  then we met up with several of my friends at a bar nearby (2A). it was so meaningful to have all of my closest friends there! (well nyc friends at least). AND my mom had organized buying cupcakes for everyone! they were too perfect - not to mention delicious! all in all, 25 ain't so bad.

crisis adverted.

calla lilies!

butter lane cupcakes- yum

girls in my community group - blessed by them!

christina, me and monica

best boyfriend - organized everything!

fav pic of the night

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

saying goodbye to Destiny

last weekend i flew down to Destin, FL to say goodbye to our beach house of 10+ years. it was a very relaxing weekend - full of love, laughter and sunshine! Parker has grown up so much since Christmas - i hate missing these first few years of his life... we cooked-in, enjoyed each others company and took endless pictures of Parker. i never wanted it to end! next time i see ashley and colt they'll have fourth family member - Beckett! i cannot wait to meet him!!

baby Moses

he put his hand down to get the rhythm just right...

boo almost fell asleep on my shoulder!

me and mom watching the sunset

4751 Ocean Blvd - "Coastal Living"

Aunt Molly is so silly!

he loves the water!

mommy + P.Diddy - such a big boy in that hat!

aunt molly + p

pawpaw and khaki

last family of three picture on my camera! ;)

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

meredith + chris d'amico visit nyc

i was maid-of-honor my best friend, Meredith D'Amico's, wedding last summer. she and her husband, Chris, came to visit NYC a few weekends ago. we had a great time picking up where we left off - love her so much! 

brunch at Peels

Monday, April 4, 2011

the cobbs-dille wedding

a few weekends ago Austin and i traveled to Dallas, TX for the wedding of two of our great friends, Travis Cobbs and Anna Dille. they spent NYE with us this past year, a great couple who are always fun to be around. it was an amazing ceremony, one of the most meaningful i've been to. after the wedding, we drove down to Waco, TX (2hrs) and spent a few days with his cousin's newborn, Story Gustafson - she is so tiny! Austin's parents also drove down with Big Daddy and Mamaw (his mom's parents). it was an all around great weekend! good to have a mini-vaction somewhere warm.
me and austin - post-ceremony

hanging with the groom - austin, travis, george

father of the bride giving toast!

baylor bears baseball game

bayley (his sister, Hayley's, dog) and austin - he loves her!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

a world of joy

My church is doing an in-depth study of the Gospel through a program called Porterbook. I meet twice a month with a small group to discuss several units at a time. The four main topics are: Apologetics, God's Story (Exegesis/Theology), Gospel Living and Missional Living.

It is really helping me to gain a better understanding of the gospel and how to engage others in talking openly about religion while also sharing my faith. While living in NYC may seem glamorous, it is a city full of suffering, lonliness and despair... it is easy to become fatigued and overwhelmed with the amount of need I witness everyday. Below is an excerpt I wanted to share; beautiful imagery of God's strength and joy with each new day.

Gospel Living: Looking Foward to Eternity.

Every longing in us is a version of our longing for God. That longing may be a distorted version of our longing for God, but it is still a longing for the God we were made to know. C.S. Lewis says, “There have been times when I think we do not desire heaven; but more often I find myself wondering whether, in our hearts of hearts, we have ever desired anything else … It is the secret signature of each soul, the incommunicable and unappeasable want.”

G.K. Chesterton says:

A man varies his movements because of some slight element of failure or fatigue. He gets into an omnibus because he is tired of walking; or he walks because he is tired of sitting still. But if his life and joy were so gigantic that he never tired of going to Islington, he might go to Islington, but to a rush of life. The thing I mean can be seen, for instance, in children, when they find some game or joke that the especially enjoy. A child kicks his legs rhythmically through excess, not absence, of life. Because children have abounding vitality, because they are in spirit fierce and free, therefore they want things repeated and unchanged. They always say, “Do it again”; and the grown-up person does it again until he is nearly dead. For grown-up people are not strong enough to exult in monotony. But perhaps God is strong enough to exult in monotony. It is possible that God says every morning, “Do it again” to the sun; and every evening, “Do it again” to the moon. It may not be automatic necessity that makes all daises alike; it may be  that God makes every daisy separately, but has never got tired of making them. It may be that He has the eternal appetite of infancy; for we have sinned and grown old, and our Father is younger than we. The repetition in Nature may not be a mere recurrence; it may be a theatrical encore.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

happy birthday austin!

this past friday austin and i celebrated three things : 62 degrees + sunshine weather, no work (we both took the day off) and austin's birthday! it was such a great day - we were so blessed to be able to spend it together, and outside in the sunshine! what a tease - now i officially can't wait until spring/summer! after sleeping in, Austin came over and we had a lazy afternoon - cooked breakfast sliders, went to a place around the corner for beermosas (beer + OJ - refreshing!) then slowly made our way to to Brooklyn where we ate an early dinner at Roberta's Pizza - so good! then we watched Toy Story 3 (we might have cried) and topped off by going to a midnight showing of Jurassic Park at a local theatre. it was amazing/hilarious and still a little scary!

saturday we celebrated w/ friends by going to the Brooklyn Brewery and then bowling.

sunday and monday i took it easy and caught up on sleep and errands. also cleaned the apt with my roommates to prepare for two college friends coming in town this weekend - excited to see them!

dinner at roberta's pizza