Thursday, April 14, 2011

quarter life crisis

yesterday was my 25th birthday - i could not have felt more loved. thank you to everyone for their sweet notes, texts, calls, messages, cards...etc. my day started off great - some girls at work at ordered bagels and put a happy bday sign in my cube. around 1pm i received a call from our security desk telling me i had a delivery and when i went to the lobby - there was austin! standing there with gorgeous calla lilies! we had a quick lunch. after work austin and i went to dinner at Frankies in the lower east side - perfect meal!  then we met up with several of my friends at a bar nearby (2A). it was so meaningful to have all of my closest friends there! (well nyc friends at least). AND my mom had organized buying cupcakes for everyone! they were too perfect - not to mention delicious! all in all, 25 ain't so bad.

crisis adverted.

calla lilies!

butter lane cupcakes- yum

girls in my community group - blessed by them!

christina, me and monica

best boyfriend - organized everything!

fav pic of the night

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